It's so easy to take things for granted. I remember how excited I was when I got my Kitchenaid blender. I bought all of the attachments, vowing to grind my own meat and roll my own pasta. I loved that it was deep red, which was a bold color choice for me. My entire kitchen routine was about to change.
Two years later and I store plastic grocery bags in the bowl.
It's not just things that get taken for granted. Growing up, I took it for granted that my parents would always be there for me. That they would always love me. The latter happens to be true, and as for the former, so far so good.

I was sitting in Adoration the other evening, right in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and I caught my mind wandering. It's not as if this hasn't happened in the middle of a conversation before, but it suddenly struck me that I was taking it for granted that I was seated in a chapel
ten feet from the God of the Universe!
He was right there, in the monstrance. Body, blood, soul and divinity.
That shook me a little.
Isn't it great that He loves me anyway?
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